2267 Vantage St. Dallas, TX

Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm

File Format

Preferred File Format: Adobe Acrobat PDF

  • Include at least 1/8″ bleed on all 4 sides of your document
    Remember when printing a Four Color Process job to convert all images and colors to CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black), as opposed to RGB or Spot Colors. Call out any Pantone color match’s when ordering.
  • Embed all images before submitting the pdf
  • Set black text to 100% black (Not 4/Color text)
  • Convert all fonts to outlines
  • Submit artwork files via email or WeTransfer. We also have an FTP site. If needed please request a login.
  • All Contour-cut lines need to be saved as spot color titled “CutContour”.
  • All White Ink needs to be saved as a spot color titled “White”.
  • For optimal results your image must be at least 150 DPI (dots per inch), also known as Pixels Per Inch (PPI) at the final output size. Please do not change a low-resolution image to a higher one by changing the DPI in your imaging software. It’s impossible to add resolution to an image.

Adobe Acrobat PDF File Prep

A PDF File can be created using many different methods. Some applications use a built-in PDF converter, and some do not have this functionality at all.

However, if you own a copy of Adobe Acrobat Professional (this is not the same as Adobe Acrobat Reader), you can create a PDF from ANY application that supports printing. To create a PDF, simply choose “Adobe PDF” as your printer. Then simply choose the “Press Quality” preset when printing to the Adobe PDF printer. If using the preset, no further action is necessary.

Regardless of the method, you choose to use in creating the PDF, a set of similar options will be available. The instructions included on this page assume you are using Adobe Acrobat Professional. Please use these options as a guide to help you determine what setting to choose in your application.

Design your artwork as you normally would while keeping in mind the specification below about bleeds and colors.


Please keep bleeds in mind when you are designing your artwork. If your artwork has a white border, then bleeds are not required. However, if your artwork is NOT white on all four sides, then you MUST include bleeds in your files. This area should be extended past the page borders.


The cutting process for printed materials has a mechanical tolerance of about .0625 or 1/16 of an inch. When using a border in your artwork, it is essential that your design use at least .125 or 1/8 of an inch of white space from your border to the cut line to maintain a symmetrical appearance.


It is also imperative that no text or essential parts of your artwork come within 1/16″ of the trim line. Again, because of the mechanical tolerance during the cutting process, any content within 1/16″ of the trim line may be cut off.

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